The Importance of Local rings - A morphism is an isomorphism if it is a homeomorphis.
Any variety is a smooth hypersurface on an open dense subset.
Any Variety is a smooth manifold with or without Non-smooth boundary.
Local Ring isomorphism,Equals Function Field Isomorphism.
How local rings detect smoothness or non-singularity in algaebraic geometry.
Why Local rings provide calculus without limits for Algaebraic geometric pun intended?.
Geometric meaning of Isomorphism of Local Rings - Local rings are almost global.
The Importance of Local rings - A Rational functional in Every local ring is globally regular.
The D-uple embedding and the non-intrinsic nature of the homogeneous coordinate ring.
Fields of Rational Functions or Function fields of Affine and Projective varieties.
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Ch 30 NIOS: Gyanamrit