Explore the fundamental concepts of airflow and aerodynamic force in this 24-minute ATPL class video. Delve into the theories of Bernoulli and Venturi to understand how air movement around objects generates forces. Learn about streamlines, airflow types, and Einstein's theorem as they relate to aerodynamics. Examine the behavior of airflow around various objects, including aerofoils, and its impact on speed and average position. Gain valuable insights for ATPL theory exams and ground school training, complete with study tips and exam strategies. This comprehensive lesson simplifies complex aerodynamic principles, providing a solid foundation for aspiring pilots and aviation enthusiasts.
Simplify the Picture
Airflow around Objects
Airflow Types
Einsteins Theorem
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ATPL class
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I like this course and also understand about the the course very well on the course we learn about the density the air pressure and the intensity very well that is very helpful for me because I get more knowledge about the atpl.