Explore asynchronous testing techniques for JVM and Scala.js in this 44-minute conference talk from Scala Days Berlin 2016. Dive into ScalaTest 3.0's new async testing styles, where tests return Future[Assertion] instead of blocking until completion. Learn how to map assertions onto futures and understand the non-blocking mindset required for effective async testing. Discover the integration of async testing into ScalaTest, the motivations behind design decisions, and best practices for both JVM and Scala.js environments. Cover topics such as the three rules of async testing, JavaScript bug handling, implementation details, and the use of Inspectors in ScalaTest. Gain insights into Execution Context, AppBreaking Changes, and participate in a Q&A session to deepen your understanding of this crucial testing approach.
The three rules
The JavaScript bug
Scala test implementation
The impedance mismatch
Inspectors in scale tests
Execution Context
Override App
Breaking Changes
Taught by
Scala Days Conferences