Explore the security landscape of the Node.js and NPM ecosystem in this 31-minute lightning talk from AppSecCali 2019. Gain insights into how security is handled within these widely-used tools that have revolutionized modern software development. Learn about the security initiatives and processes implemented by the Node.js project, as explained by Vladimir de Turckheim, a key figure in the ecosystem and member of the Node.js Security Working Group. Examine recent security reports involving Node.js and related tools like ESLint, and understand the measures taken in response to these incidents. Benefit from de Turckheim's expertise as a software engineer at Sqreen and former professional security auditor as he discusses the critical security stakes in the Node.js and NPM environment.
AppSecCali 2019 Lightning Talk - Node.js and NPM Ecosystem: What are the Security Stakes?
Taught by
OWASP Foundation