Dive into a comprehensive crash course on Apache Kafka, the distributed stream processing software developed by LinkedIn. Learn about key components including producers, consumers, topics, and partitions. Explore how Kafka works through a ride-sharing example. Follow along as the instructor spins up a Kafka cluster and demonstrates writing both a producer and a consumer. Gain insights into Kafka applications, their pros and cons, and future developments like the removal of ZooKeeper. The course includes practical coding examples, Docker commands for setting up a Kafka environment, and access to downloadable slides and source code for hands-on learning.
Intro .
Kafka Broker.
Kafka Producer.
Kafka Consumer.
Kafka Partitions.
Queue vs Pub-Sub.
Consumer Group.
Coding Example.
Kafka Pros-Cons.
-d zookeeper.
--name kafka -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=husseinmac:2181 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://husseinmac:9092 -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 -d confluentinc/cp-kafka .
Taught by
Hussein Nasser