Explore groundbreaking research in quantum physics through this one-hour lecture where Antoine Browaeys demonstrates how scientists manipulate individual quantum objects to build synthetic quantum computers atom by atom. Learn about the revolutionary developments in controlling atomic interactions to study quantum magnetism, excitation transport, and superconductivity, gaining deeper insights into the N-body problem. Discover how laser-cooled ensembles of individual atoms trapped in microscopic optical tweezer arrays, when excited to Rydberg states, enable the study of magnetic properties in systems with over a hundred interacting one-half spins. Understand the industrial applications of these quantum machines in solving combinatorial optimization problems, and learn about the practical implementation of this research through the startup Pasqal. The lecture covers fundamental concepts including many-body problems, experimental progress, Rydberg atoms and states, untangling states, simulations, and various applications in quantum computing.
Why are we doing this
ManyBody Problem
Two Models
Experimental Progress
Redberg Atoms
Redberg State
Untangling State
Taught by
Simons Foundation