Learn about Alpine, a framework for running SONiC virtual switches, in this technical presentation from Google software engineers Sonika Jindal and Daniel Grau. Explore how Alpine provides a standardized model for creating SONiC-based virtual switches and deploying topologies for development, testing, and innovation. Discover the Alpine Virtual Switch's integration with Lucius, a Google-developed open source dataplane engine that functions as a lightweight virtual SAI pipeline for containerized testing environments. Understand how Alpine leverages KNE and Kubernetes for orchestrating virtual network topologies with multiple AlpineVS nodes. Examine the benefits of Alpine's cloud-based deployments, including on-demand SONiC testbeds, CI/CD pipeline integration, reduced hardware testbed dependency, and accelerated SONIC switch stack development through comprehensive testing capabilities and unified ASIC simulation framework.
ALPINE SONiC Switchstack Simulation
Taught by
Open Compute Project