Discover the unexpected life lessons hidden within the vibrant world of KPOP in this 15-minute TEDx talk by Dr. Donald Lim. Explore how the captivating blend of music, fashion, and performance in Korean pop culture offers valuable insights that transcend age and profession. Learn from the perspective of a distinguished businessman and digital marketing pioneer as he uncovers profound teachings in an unlikely source. Gain a fresh outlook on personal and professional growth by delving into the deeper meanings behind the infectious beats and dazzling spectacles of KPOP.
All I Really Need To Know, I Learned From KPOP | Donald Lim | TEDxYouth@SJCS
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I wouldn't call it a course, more like a cool inspirational video?
Long story short: usually K-POP has very good morals in its lyrics and the speaker has discovered it because of his daughter, so he's really happy and proud of this.