AI Motion Capture for Blender 3D Avatar Using Camera or MP4 Video - ThreeDPoseTracker Tutorial
Freedom Arts - 3D Animation & Game Developer via YouTube
Learn how to perform AI-powered motion capture for Blender 3D avatars using a camera or MP4 video with ThreeDPoseTracker in this comprehensive tutorial. Master the step-by-step process of capturing body motions through a webcam or video file, and apply them to any 3D avatar in Blender as keyframe animations. Follow the detailed workflow, including using ThreeDPoseTracker to record and save BVH files, importing assets into 3DXchange 7, converting to iAvatar format, applying motion in iClone, and finally importing the result into Blender. Gain valuable insights into free motion capture techniques for 3D animation and game development projects.
AI Motion Capture for Blender 3D Avatar using Camera or MP4 Video - ThreeDPoseTracker Full Tutorial
Taught by
Freedom Arts - 3D Animation & Game Developer