Explore how Open Source software and hardware can be used to create affordable custom input devices for individuals with physical disabilities. Learn about the challenges of developing medical devices and the potential of DIY solutions using Arduino and 3D printing. Discover how custom "button boxes" can be adapted to act as keyboards, mice, or game controllers, enabling users to control computers and their physical environment. Gain insights into projects that combine these input devices with computers to enhance interaction capabilities for people with limited mobility. Understand the impact of Open Source technologies in providing low-cost, customizable solutions for unique physical needs. Examine specific examples like the Xbox Adaptive Controller, Super Button, and Chair Breakout. Delve into topics such as voice control, collision avoidance, and the use of Raspberry Pi in assistive technology. Consider the regulatory challenges and the importance of addressing unique problems in assistive device development.
Cost of assistive technology
Xbox Adaptive Controller
Super Button
Chair Breakout
Super Chair
Raspberry Pi
Collision Avoidance
Voice Control
Working Together
Unique Problems
Regulatory Problems
Button Interface
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