Explore groundbreaking research on self-gravitating bosonic systems and dark matter halos through a seminar presentation that delves into direct numerical simulations of the three-dimensional Fourier-truncated Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson equation (GPPE). Learn about the formation of finite-temperature compact objects and discover a minimal model for pulsar glitches developed by introducing solid-crust potential and rotation in the GPPE. Professor Rahul Pandit from the Indian Institute of Science presents findings from multiple research papers, including investigations of gravity and temperature-driven phase transitions in collapsed axionic condensates, and the relationship between neutron-superfluid vortices and proton-superconductor flux tubes in pulsar systems. The hour-long presentation, part of the Anti-diffusive dynamics series, covers theoretical physics concepts from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales.
Self-gravitating Bosonic and Axionic Systems and a Minimal Model for Pulsar Glitches
INI Seminar Room 2 via YouTube
Date: 18th Jun 2024 - 11:00 to
Taught by
INI Seminar Room 2