An integrative approach to the study of animal diversity
Walking vs Rowing
Timing of Ubx expression modulates leg length
Evolution of Ubx function and leg length
Dose of Ubx expression modulates leg length
Increased leg length and speed
Increased leg length and escape strategy
Niche specialization and evolutionary innovations
Propelling Fan: evolutionary innovation
Fan: genetic origin of evolutionary innovations
Two taxon-restricted genes control the fan
geisha and mother-of-geisha control the fan
gsha/mgsha RNAi fan function is specific
What is the role of the fan?
Take home message
Scale disproportionately to body size
Microvelia longipes: a new model to study trait exaggeration
Large males dominate win contests
Small males fertilise more eggs when competition is lower
Genetic correlation between the exaggerated weapon and its use!
Taught by