Explore a groundbreaking hackathon initiative aimed at bridging the digital divide in underserved Korean cities through this conference talk by Justin Yoo and Kang Min Choi. Delve into the innovative strategies employed to bring technology and coding opportunities to areas with limited digital access. Learn about the challenges faced, solutions implemented, and the impact of this revolutionary approach on local communities. Gain insights into how hackathons can be leveraged as powerful tools for social change and technological empowerment in underserved regions. Discover the potential for replicating this model in other areas facing similar digital disparities.
Hacking the Digital Divide: A Revolutionary Hackathon in Underserved Korean Cities
UbuCon Asia via YouTube
A Revolutionary Hackathon in Underserved Korean Cities - Justin & Kang Min | UbuCon Asia 2023
Taught by
UbuCon Asia