Discover the groundbreaking "living drug" that's revolutionizing cancer treatment in this 15-minute TED talk by Immunotherapy Pioneer Carl June. Explore the journey of genetic engineering that led to the creation of CAR T cells, a synthetic immune system designed to detect and destroy cancer cells. Learn about the science behind this innovative therapy, its potential to provide long-term protection against cancer, and the challenges faced during its development. Gain insights into the research process, including pivotal moments that shaped this momentous medical advancement. Delve into topics such as the immune system's role, the concept of chimeras, and the remarkable case study of Emily's diagnosis and treatment. Understand how this pioneering approach is offering new hope in the fight against cancer, with high remission rates and the potential to transform cancer care for years to come.
The Immune System
The Chimera
Car T Cells
Emilys Diagnosis
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