Embark on an intellectual odyssey with renowned philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel C Dennett as he reflects on his life's work and groundbreaking ideas. Explore the importance of making mistakes in philosophical thinking, discover the tools of the mind, and delve into the contributions of influential thinkers like Douglas Hofstadter, Richard Dawkins, and Ruth Millikan. Examine controversial topics such as Giulio Tononi's Integrated Information Theory, Descartes' philosophical errors, and the nature of consciousness. Learn how Dennett's approach has helped philosophers and scientists imagine new possibilities, and gain insights into the works of Julian Jaynes, Karl Pribram, and James Gibson. Through personal anecdotes and scholarly discussions, gain a deeper understanding of the challenging yet rewarding pursuit of philosophical ideas and their impact on our comprehension of the mind, consciousness, and human experience.
The importance of making mistakes
Tools of the mind
How can you get the right knowledge?
Douglas Hofstadter and Joosting
Richard Dawkins and memes
Ruth Millikan and language
Giulio Tononi and the IIT controversy
Descartes’ mistakes
Daniel’s biggest mistake
Helping philosophers and scientists to imagine
Julian Jaynes, consciousness and dualism
More iconoclasts of philosophy
Karl Pribram and James Gibson
Taught by
The Royal Institution