Explore a thought-provoking TEDx talk that delves into the concept of a "chosen land" through the lens of Austrian poet Ingeborg Bachmann's work "Bohemia Lies by the Sea." Discover how this poem, depicting a marginal area between land and sea, serves as a metaphor for reconciliation, redemption, and hope. Join Dr. Linjing Jiang, associate professor of German Language and Literature, as she examines the never-ending flux and "bordering" journey towards a core of possibility. Gain insights into political philosophy, literary criticism, and the interplay between German classical music and literature. Learn from Dr. Jiang's extensive research and publications on literature, religion, and arts across multiple languages. This 18-minute talk, presented at TEDxNYUShanghai, offers a unique perspective on finding hope and purpose in unexpected places.
A chosen land out of nowhere | Linjing Jiang | TEDxNYUShanghai
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