Explore a comprehensive conference talk on applying Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles to large-scale marketing systems. Delve into the real-world implementation of DDD in Plexop, a complex marketing system spanning multiple business domains. Learn how DDD strategies helped manage complexities, define context boundaries, and overcome resource limitations. Discover valuable insights on architecture, Conway's Law, domain models, and the concept of bounded contexts. Gain practical knowledge on choosing patterns, avoiding accidental complexity, and adapting to changing business domains. Benefit from lessons learned through trial and error, and understand how DDD principles can be effectively applied beyond traditional use cases like cargo shipping.
Presentation Structure
Vladiks Background
Implementing the first third of our value chain
Eric Evans seminal book
The Problem
Conways Law
A Nightmare
Domain Models
Core Knowledge
Event Crunchers
Market Hub
Accidental Complexity
The Bounded Context
What Weve Learned
Business Domains
Changing Domains
Benefits of Changing Domains
Choosing Patterns
Bonnet Context Internals
Suicidal Boundaries
Trial and Error
How DDD survived
Taught by
NDC Conferences