Pax Britannica and India: International Political Economy Fundamentals - Lecture 6
Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial via YouTube
Learn about fundamental economic issues in international political economy through this 14-minute lecture from Kyoto University's Economic History 2 course. Associate Professor Ken Sakade explores the economic aspects of Pax Britannica, India, and Neorealism in the second chapter of the sixth lecture. Examine how Britain's economic dominance influenced global trade relations and colonial policies, particularly focusing on its relationship with India. Delivered in Japanese at the Law and Economics Building Classroom 5 on November 13, 2017, this lecture is part of a broader series on international political economy theory, history, and policy.
京都大学 経済史2(国際政治経済学:理論・歴史・政策)第6回「パクスブリタニカとインド、ネオリアリズム②」坂出 健 准教授 Ch.2 2017年11月13日
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Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial