Watch Chapter 4 of a scientific lecture from the 5th MACS Colloquium at Kyoto University's Graduate School of Science, where Professor Takao Hirajima from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences explores the behavior of water in subduction zones and discusses how blueschist may be the origin of Arima-type hydrothermal waters. Delivered on July 3, 2018, in Science Building 6, Room 401, this 19-minute segment is part of a comprehensive presentation examining the complex relationship between geological processes and hydrothermal systems in subduction zones.
京都大学理学研究科 第5回MACSコロキウム「沈み込み帯で活動する水の挙動の理解へ:青色片岩は有馬型熱水の起源」平島 崇男(京都大学大学院理学研究科 地球惑星科学専攻 教授)チャプター4
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