Succeeding with Enterprise Software Security Key Performance Indicators
KPI = Key Performance Indicator
A key performance indicator (KPI) is a measure of performance, commonly used to help an organization define and evaluate how successful it is, typically in terms of making progress towards its long-term organizational goals.
Show relative distance to a goal
Establish relevance to org
Establish relevance to security
A: Implemented mandatory testing
Relative distance to goal Relevance to organization Relevance to security
Security items (examples) static analysis process dynamic analysis process integrating testing tools developer awareness
Impact of a security item to the release timeline
Security items (examples) integrating security testing early in development providing templates for 'fixes' defining pre-built code modules
Impact of a security item to the uptime of the application/service
Security items (examples) continuous security monitoring continuous/regular testing remediation of exploitable vulns
Security items (examples) mandatory peer review of code required stage-gates to production w/security sign*-off accountability by LOB VP
Minimize injection (A1) defects in new software releases
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