Powerful Techniques to Cut Out Trees in Photoshop - Without Halos or Fringing
Photoshop Training Channel via YouTube
- Blend If & Channel explanation
- Use the Blue Channel to cut out the tree
- Create true transparency from the Blend If blend.
- Use the Lasso Tool to make a loose selection
- Inver the channel
- Use the Dodge and Burn Tool to isolate the tree in the new channel
- Use the Levels adjustment to refine the mask
- Use the Minimum filter to contract the mask and remove halos
- Use the Defringe Command to remove fringing from the mask
- Use the Laso Tool to make a rough mask.
- Use the Tree Generator to create a tree
- Turn your tree into a brush
- Use the Brush settings to customize your brush
- Paint on your mask with your custom tree brush
Taught by
Photoshop Training Channel