Explore a thought-provoking lecture on the defense of politics and its significance in modern society. Delve into the ideas of prominent thinkers like Bernard Crick, E.M. Forster, Carl Schmitt, and Immanuel Kant as they relate to patriotism, nationalism, and cosmopolitanism. Examine the concept of politics and its definition through various philosophical lenses. Investigate the role of educators and classic literature in shaping political understanding. Analyze the ethos of the American regime and contemplate the future direction of political science education. Gain valuable insights into the complexities of political life and the importance of defending politics in today's world.
- Chapter 1. Bernard Crick: "In Defense of Politics"
- Chapter 2. E. M. Forster: PatriotIsm and Loyalty
- Chapter 3. Carl Schmitt and Aristotle: Patriotism and Loyalty
- Chapter 4. Immanuel Kant: Transpolitical Cosmopolitanism
- Chapter 5. Schmitt vs. Kant: NationalIsm vs. Cosmopolitanism
- Chapter 6. Ethos of the American Regime
- Chapter 7. Where Should the Study of Political Science Be Today? Who Should Educate the Educators?
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