Learn essential techniques for rapid comb drawing in beekeeping through 10 practical tips that work effectively even during challenging months like July and September. Discover optimal conditions for wax production, including temperature requirements, proper frame preparation with wax coating, and the importance of having a laying queen. Master strategic frame placement methods such as checkerboarding, proper box positioning, and frame manipulation techniques to maximize comb production. Understand critical timing for adding new frames and boxes, while learning important precautions about honey box management. Gain valuable insights into bee behavior and how to leverage it for successful comb development in your hives.
It can't be too hot or too cold
Make sure all plastic frames are waxed
Must have a laying queen
Add frames once hive is overflowing, & not a second before
Flip frames at edge of hive SO empty side faces in
Do not EVER checkerboard in honey box!
Place new box in between 2 exsisting boxes
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BeeFit Beekeeping