Welcome to Film and Cultural Studies!
This course is an introduction to the study of film which is treated as a cultural artifact and as a form of art. In this course, you will begin to see how films are analyzed from a formalist perspective, with the knowledge of various film techniques and their effects. You will also learn about the general areas of cultural studies through film texts. Selections of films in the course will range from treatments of different social-historical issues to present-day multi-cultural diversity.
The course consists of three parts, further divided into twelve units. They are designed based on certain cultural theories, and they will foster an understanding of the cultural assumptions and values that develop from mainstream distribution of film texts. Also in each unit, there will be at least one case study, which will help you get familiarized with the theories and their applications in film analysis. All of the lectures will be presented in English with subtitles.
By the end of this course, you will be able to show evidence of an increased understanding of the basics of film techniques and films as cultural constructions. More importantly, you will be able to appreciate films in a more critical way.