Learn essential physics laboratory techniques and experiments in this comprehensive university-level course covering both classical and modern physics concepts. Master the use of oscilloscopes, function generators, and signal measurement techniques while exploring RC circuit characteristics. Conduct hands-on experiments investigating Young's modulus, Hall effect in magnetic field measurements, and Wheatstone bridge applications. Gain practical experience with rotational inertia measurements, spectrometer operations for analyzing mercury lamp spectra, and Michelson interferometer adjustments for observing interference patterns. Delve into advanced topics like the photonic spin Hall effect, including its theoretical background, experimental setup, cross-polarization effects, and practical applications in reflection measurements. Develop crucial laboratory skills through systematic experimental procedures and data analysis methods used in modern physics research.
- 1 绪论
- 2 示波器的使用
- 2-1了解模拟示波器的基本结构及工作原理
- 2-2 熟悉常用模拟示波器、函数信号发生器的使用和调节方法
- 2-3 掌握模拟示波器测量信号幅值、频率和相位的方法
- 2-4 研究RC串联稳态电路的相频特性
- 3 杨氏模量
- 4 霍尔效应与磁场测量
- 4-1 认识霍尔效应,懂得产生霍尔效应的机理
- 4-2 研究霍尔电压与工作电流的关系
- 4-3学习用霍尔器件测量电磁铁磁场的方法,研究霍尔电压与磁场的关系
- 5 惠通斯电桥
- 6 转动惯量的测定
- 7 分光计的使用
- 7-1 了解分光计的基本结构
- 7-2 掌握分光计的测量原理及调节方法
- 7-3 观测汞灯的光栅光谱,计算光栅常数
- 8 迈克尔逊干涉仪
- 8-1 了解迈克尔孙干涉仪的原理、结构,掌握它的调节方法
- 8-2 观察等倾与等厚条纹,并分析其来源及特点
- 8-3 用迈克尔孙干涉仪测量激光光源的波长
- 9 光子自旋霍尔效应
- 9-1 光子自旋霍尔效应的理论背景
- 9-2 实验原理、光路图及实验装置图
- 9-3 观测交叉偏振效应
- 9-4 观测反射光的自旋霍尔效应
- 9-5 光子自旋霍尔效应的应用
Taught by
Yuan He