Learn about corneal and ocular surface diseases through a comprehensive medical course covering fundamental anatomy, diagnostic techniques, and various pathological conditions. Master essential knowledge about corneal and conjunctival anatomy, examination methods, and treatment approaches for common eye conditions including dry eye syndrome, blepharitis, meibomian cyst, demodex blepharitis, and various types of conjunctivitis. Explore inflammatory corneal diseases, anatomical abnormalities, corneal degenerations, and ocular surface tumors. Study surgical procedures including corneal transplantation techniques, with particular focus on deep lamellar and penetrating keratoplasty. Gain practical understanding of managing conditions like keratoconus, pterygium, and ocular surface neoplasia through detailed clinical presentations and treatment protocols.
- 第一章 角膜及眼表基础知识
- 1.1 总论
- 1.2 角膜、结膜、眼表腺体解剖特点
- 第二章 角膜检查技术
- 2.1 角膜常规检查技术
- 第三章 眼表疾病
- 3.1 干眼
- 3.2 睑腺炎和睑板腺囊肿
- 3.3 蠕形螨性睑缘炎
- 3.4 细菌性、腺病毒性角结膜炎、衣原体性结膜炎
- 3.5 过敏性结膜炎
- 3.6 春季卡他性角结膜炎(VKC)
- 3.7 巩膜炎
- 第四章 角膜炎症性疾病
- 4.1 感染性角膜炎总论
- 4.2 细菌性角膜炎
- 4.3 真菌性角膜炎
- 4.4 棘阿米巴性角膜炎
- 4.5 疱疹病毒性角结膜炎
- 4.6 暴露性角膜炎及神经营养障碍性角膜炎
- 第五章 解剖及发育异常性角膜病变
- 5.1 角膜营养不良
- 第六章 角膜变性
- 6.1 圆锥角膜
- 6.2 Terrien边缘性角膜变性
- 6.3 翼状胬肉
- 第七章 眼表肿瘤
- 7.1 皮样瘤(Goldenharr's syndrome)
- 7.2 角膜原位癌(Bowen's)角膜鳞癌(OSSN)
- 7.3 眼睑肿瘤
- 第八章 眼表手术
- 8.1 角膜移植手术简介
- 8.2 深板层角膜移植术
- 8.3 穿透性角膜移植
- 期末考试
- 期末考试
Taught by
Wenzhou Medical University