Learn to apply natural language processing to textual data using artificial intelligence and the neural network capabilities of Wolfram Language. The class covers preprocessing and how to build and train a neural network for language models through application-based examples.
This video course demonstrates the state-of the-art natural language processing capabilities in the Wolfram Language. Learn about the different pre-processing steps needed for text data and the process of embedding, or mapping a symbol to a numerical vector. Utilize neural net models for language or any sequence-based tasks. Discover the built-in function FindTextualAnswer that finds answers in sentences, paragraphs and unstructured collections of texts.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)
This video course demonstrates the state-of the-art natural language processing capabilities in the Wolfram Language. Learn about the different pre-processing steps needed for text data and the process of embedding, or mapping a symbol to a numerical vector. Utilize neural net models for language or any sequence-based tasks. Discover the built-in function FindTextualAnswer that finds answers in sentences, paragraphs and unstructured collections of texts.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)