Explore Wolfram Language's image processing capabilities, how they integrate with other features and how to combine them to create powerful interactive tools for artificial intelligence.
How can you solve real-world image processing problems with the Wolfram Language? How does the Wolfram Language's unique dynamic functionality let you quickly optimize image processing algorithms? This class will explore some of the Wolfram Language's image processing capabilities, how they integrate with other features of the Wolfram Language and how they can be combined to create powerful interactive tools. The class is for those who have a basic familiarity with image processing.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language, Wolfram Notebooks
You'll Learn To
Work with images using the built-in tools available in the Wolfram Language
Develop workflow faster using dynamic tools
Construct simple interfaces for implementing powerful algorithms
Capture images using the Wolfram Language and perform real-time analysis on them
Integrate image analysis procedures into a larger workflow, leveraging features of the Wolfram Language
How can you solve real-world image processing problems with the Wolfram Language? How does the Wolfram Language's unique dynamic functionality let you quickly optimize image processing algorithms? This class will explore some of the Wolfram Language's image processing capabilities, how they integrate with other features of the Wolfram Language and how they can be combined to create powerful interactive tools. The class is for those who have a basic familiarity with image processing.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language, Wolfram Notebooks
You'll Learn To
Work with images using the built-in tools available in the Wolfram Language
Develop workflow faster using dynamic tools
Construct simple interfaces for implementing powerful algorithms
Capture images using the Wolfram Language and perform real-time analysis on them
Integrate image analysis procedures into a larger workflow, leveraging features of the Wolfram Language