We don’t often talk about mistakes and failures, but there’s so much to learn from what goes wrong. In this course, Professor Sydney Finkelstein will teach you why leaders make mistakes, and what you can do to avoid making those same mistakes yourself. Using real-life examples of smart executives who failed, Professor Finkelstein will walk you through scenarios that prepare you to understand, manage, and even take advantage of the continuous change that is inevitable in organizations and in life.
Why Smart Executives Fail: Common Mistakes & Warning Signs
Dartmouth College via Coursera
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- What Great Strategists Know
- The Delusions of a Dream Company
- The Manager as Master Puzzle Solver
- The Seven Habits of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People
Taught by
Sydney Finkelstein
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
4.9 rating at Coursera based on 353 ratings
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This specific course is probably the most interesting one in the series.
The "Strategic Leadership: Impact, Change, and Decision-Making" specialization consists of 4 courses that offer a unique perspective on people management, common mistakes, deep ideas and values that underpin motivation, efficiency and commitment. The course is led by the author of "Superbosses", a scientist dealing with the discussed issue. Very competent, inspiring and thought-provoking at the same time. Logical course structure, high quality videos and reading material, interesting assignments. I recommend!