Water Supply and Sanitation Policy in Developing Countries Part 1: Understanding Complex Problems
University of Manchester via Coursera
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Our course explores what can be done to solve the complex problem that half a billion people worldwide do not have improved water supplies and two billion do not have improved sanitation. We look forward to you joining us. We want to help you develop the skills you need to address this major global challenge of the 21st century.
Our course has informative video lectures and guest interviews with leading water policy scholars and practitioners. We will provide you with discussion forum topic prompts, which will invite you to engage with other learners from around the globe. Our MOOC will also ask you to attempt weekly quizzes and a challenging assignment that tackles a real water and sanitation problem in a difficult setting.
Please watch this trailer: https://youtu.be/Q-HmaCZNd0k
- Introducing Key Facts about Water and Sanitation Services
- Understanding the Political Economy of Water
- Supply-Side Costs of Water and Sanitation Services
- Understanding Demand-Side Issues of Water Supply
- Exploring Health Benefits and Climate Change Issues
- Development Paths for Water and Sanitation Services
Taught by
Dale Whittington and Duncan Thomas
4.5 rating, based on 8 Class Central reviews
4.7 rating at Coursera based on 343 ratings
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I think the above course is very satisfactory especially for professionals in developing settings and there is a wealth of information and an opportunity to exchange ideas. The only unfortunate bit is that the course does not run frequently, for instance i have been looking out for it for more than 1 year now. There is need for another session pretty soon, as the demand is present. I am currently attending a world bank course on water and sanitation and a lot have shown interest.
This course will help me in my career especially coming from a developing country like Liberia which i intent to help create a safe environment for our people.
Am free will student from Africa and am proud to enjoy the course from your institution to enhance my knowledge and ability of understanding for further understanding and to improve my skills in order to divert to most needed people
I have bachelor degree in environmental planning and management,this course will help me in my job.sanitation is every thing in our life
i am graduated by this field and also am post graduate student by this field water supply and environmental engineering so it is a very interesting field a key of all animals that means as a medical doctor ...
This course is very important more specifically in a developing country. Shortage of water resources in the community.
Hi everyone there institution
Am interested am do a course of water and sanitation technician and environmental -
I would like to say this course water supply and sanitation policy in developing country is the most and the best course thanks all of u