What you'll learn:
- WebRTC
- Working with media streams
- Creating multiple peer connections
- Create Mesh Architecture
- Create SocketIO Server
- Real-Time communication
- React
- WebRTC implementation
- WebRTC data channels
- Create Group Call App
Learn WebRTC Mesh architecture by creating project with React, WebRTCand SocketIO. We will go through all of the steps to create application with group calls where you can establish connection between multiple users in one room. We will write WebRTCimplementation with suport of simple-peer library to show how you can develop WebRTCapplication with group calls. We will use also SocketIO as our signaling server for our application. After this course you will be able to create own application which will be using WebRTC. It does not matter if that will be the realtime communication game or video chat.You will know the process how to establish connection between multiple peers with Mesh architecture.
We will cover all signaling process to exchange necessary data between all connected users to Room. We will also cover deployment and TURNServer credentials.
In our application we will use:
We will create necessary UIand we will proceed with all logic related with SocketIOand WebRTC.
App creating proccess:
Prepare environment
Build frontend of our application with React
Connect with SocketIO and creating necessary logic
WebRTCimplementation for group calls
Add WebRTC data channels for chat functionality
Add functionality to connect only with audio
Get TURNserver credentials
Deploy application
Ihope you will enjoy the course and after finishing it you will feel confident to create amazing applications using technologies which you will learn through the course.