What you'll learn:
- Understand weblog fundamentals from a DFIR point-of-view
- Understand weblog components for their investigative value
- Be able to create custom IOC sweeps
- Be able to create frequency analysis sweeps
- Be able to create attack pattern sweeps
- Be able to automate the sweeps into a single, simple script
Welcome to the Surviving Digital Forensics series. This class provides hands-on training that teaches weblog forensic triage techniques.
Learn weblog fundamentals from a DFIR point-of-view
Understand weblog components for their investigative value
Learn how to create custom IOC sweeps
Learn how to create frequency analysis sweeps using IP addresses, status codes, request methods, etc.
Learn how to create attack pattern sweeps for SQL injection, web shells, XSS and more
Learn how to automate the sweeps into a single, simple script