What you'll learn:
- Get started using Nunit
- Perform a simple use case using Sauce Labs
- Perform a simple use case using Browser Stack
- Run functional tests in parallel
- Learn how to use Remote Webdriver class
Is your automation test suite taking hours to run? Are you having issues with debugging and analyzing automated test failures? Can your automation framework record videos and capture screenshots?
This course is an introductorySelenium Webdriver course that is designed to take your automated software testing skills to the next level and solve all of the problems above. It covers just enough options to help you run your tests in parallel without overwhelming you with a bunch of minute details.
"The best tutorials I have ever seen, simply awesome. I take off my hat in front of you, you are an gorgeous professor, I am speechless to express how satisfied I am with these tutorials."-Lisbey
This is a course that briefly introduces you to the following topics:
1. How to run Selenium Webdriver tests in parallel on your computer
2. How to run Selenium Webdriver tests in parallel in Browser Stack's cloud
3. How to run Selenium Webdriver tests in parallelin Sauce Lab's cloud
4. Introduction to NUnit
5. Understand the benefits of running your tests in parallel
6. Understand the benefits of running your tests in the cloud
7. Understand how to configure and use the RemoteWebdriver class
This is not a comprehensive coverage of all of these tools!Just enough to get you up and running fast.
"Great Video I have ever seen on YouTube. You are so so clear and honest in presenting the material. I had no idea how important it is to use QTP from different angle, that is via scripting. Great Work and Thank You so so so much!"-Mohammed
"Excellent course. Before starting, I was unsure if I could learn this powerful technology, but by the end I was confidently writing scripts. I'm looking forward to taking Nikolay's other courses." -James