What you'll learn:
- Automotive SPICE®
- System Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Acquisition Processes
- Supply Processes
- Management Processes
- Reuse Processes
- Process Improvement Processes
- Supporting Processes
- Development Processes
- Project Management
- Determination of the Capability Level
IMPORTANTHINT: Hardware Engineering Process Group and Machine Learning Process Group are not covered
The course gives an overview of Automotive SPICE® (ASPICE) Version 4.0.
The contents of the course are divided into three main chapters:
Basics of Automotive SPICE® (ASPICE)
Process Reference Model and related Process Groups
Capability Levels of Auotmotive SPICE® (ASPICE)
Chapter 1: Basics of Automotive SPICE® (ASPICE)
In this chapter you learn more about the motivation for the introduction and implementation of Automotive SPICE®(ASPICE). Also the history of Automotive SPICE® is explained, the strcuture of the Process Reference Model, the difference between ISO26262 and ASPICE, the strcuture of the ASPICE Document and the Process Description Template.
Chapter 2: Process Reference Model and related Process Groups
In this chapter the different process groups defined in the Automotive SPICE®(ASPICE) standard are explained. The following process groups are considered in the course:
- Acquisition process group (ACQ)
- Supply process group (SPL)
- System engineering process group (SYS)
- Software engineering process group (SWE)
- Supporting process group (SUP)
- Management process group (MAN)
- Process improvement process group (PIM)
- Reuse process group (REU)
Chapter 3: Capability Levels of Automotive SPICE® (ASPICE)
In this chapter you get an overview of the 5 capability levels defined in the Automotive SPICE®(ASPICE) standard. Also the template for process attribute description is explained and how the capability level of a process is determined during an ASPICE assessment.