What you'll learn:
- Learn modern ways to look at quality for software projects that are consistent with todays principles
- Apply continuous improvement techniques to increase speed and quality
- Understand how to use Artificial Intelligence to gain a productivity boost as well as help create powerful artifacts
- See how to rapid start a project by leveraging ChatGPT to deploy a Playwright frontend automation framework
- Use CHAT GPT to Create automated Performance Test Pipelines
- Understand how Shift Left on quality increases release cadence, prevents defects and improves quality
- Identify pitfalls in the development process and their corrective actions
- Leverage the power of Continuous Testing, Development and testing with proper tool setup and guidance of framework implementation
- Understand how Quality engineering principles are applied to agile deliveries to achieve in sprint automation and on time delivery
- How to choose the right suited DEVOPS Testing pipeline
- Understand and improve the testing process as an expert, AI cannot teach you this
- Understand how test automation supports the overall quality approach and see some best practice to increase speed and reliability of execution
- Master the use of the Test Pyramid : unit, integration, UI tests
- Understand how to adapt your testing approach depending on the branching strategy that you have
- Understand how to create on Demand/Feature Environment and how they are used in Continuous Testing and Shift Left Approach
- Understand how LEAN principles apply to software development and gain know how on how to build a Value Stream Map to identity bottlenecks
- We will understand the 8 Wastes of TIMWOODS that affect software delivery teams
This is a masterclass in Quality Engineering teaching the student how to properly approach quality validations by applying shift left and Right approaches, Dev Ops tool chain and Lean principles. This will provide an in dept analysis on how one can have preventive measures before the first line of code is written and how to maximize the return on the investment made in quality engineering.
The main goal of this course is to put together all the individual pieces that make software testing: Automation, Devops, Agile, Functional, Non-Functional, Version Control, Shift left and Shift Right, Containers, X as Code, Automated quality checks, Environments, Cloud and so on into one lecture that will bring these topics in a LEAN approach. This will take you from average Quality engineer to quality transformation expert.
You will see how to overcome the storming and norming phase in the team and reach the high performing state by looking at the model based on the five dysfunctions of the team.
After this lecture you will be able to improve the efficiency of your process, reduce infrastructure cost related to quality engineering, increase the speed of execution. By explaining LEAN Concepts and TIMWOODS wastes the project and organization will move to a continuous improvement and innovation state.