What you'll learn:
- You will learn how to write test scripts using Selenium WebDriver.
- You will know how to identify identify various web elements using Selenium.
- You will know how to work with Selenium Grid.
- You will know how to design frameworks from scratch.
- You will able to work on Real time projects after you completed this course.
- You will know about Continuous Integration(CI) Process and Tools.
Selenium, an open-source automation testing tool designed for web applications, operates seamlessly on various web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari, and supports multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. This comprehensive Selenium course caters to a wide range of proficiency levels, from basic to expert, covering diverse ways of interacting with web pages through Selenium. The course incorporates real-life examples from live websites to illustrate each topic.
Throughout the course, participants will delve into best practices associated with Selenium WebDriver, including the utilization of tools such as TestNG, Maven, and popular frameworks like the Page Object Model. Regular updates will be provided to accommodate new features/APIs in Selenium WebDriver, ensuring participants stay current with industry trends.
The course is structured around several modules, covering essential topics such as:
Module-1: Overview on Automation & Selenium
Introduction to Automation
Challenges in Manual Testing
Overcoming Challenges with Automation
Importance of Programming in Automation
Introduction to Selenium
Selenium Components
Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium WebDriver
Module-2: Java Programming for Selenium
Java and Eclipse Environment Setup
Setting up Java Development Kit (JDK)
Installing Eclipse IDE
Configuring Java and Eclipse Environment
How to Write Basic Java Program?
Creating a Java Class
Main Method in Java
Writing the First Java Program
Compiling and Running Java Programs
Understanding Console Output
Using System.out.println() for Output
Printing Variables and Text to Console
Java Variables and Data Types
Declaring Variables in Java
Primitive Data Types (int, float, double, char, boolean)
Variable Naming Conventions
Java Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Assignment Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators
Ternary Operators
Conditional Statements
If Statement
If-Else Statement
Switch-Case Statement
While Loop
Do-While Loop
For Loop
Jumping Statements
Using break Statement
Using continue Statement
Arrays - Single & Two Dimensional
Declaring and Initializing Arrays
Accessing Array Elements
Single-Dimensional Arrays
Two-Dimensional Arrays
Object Type Array
Coding Exercises on Arrays
String Class
Introduction to the String Class
Creating Strings
String Concatenation
String Length
String Comparison
String Methods
Common String Methods
Coding Exercises on Strings
Module 3: Java OOPS Concepts
Classes and Objects
Introduction to Classes and Objects
Creating Classes
Declaring Object Instances
Class Members: Fields and Methods
Java Methods & Constructors
Defining Methods
Method Signatures
Return Types
Passing Parameters to Methods
Passing Parameters
Call by Value
Call by Reference (Reference Passing)
Java Constructor
Constructor Basics
Parameterized Constructors
Default Constructors
Introduction to Polymorphism
Overloading Methods
Method Overloading
Overloading with Different Parameter Types
Overloading with Different Number of Parameters
Overloading Constructors
Constructor Overloading
Creating Constructors with Different Parameters
Encapsulation Overview
Setters and Getters
Purpose of Setters and Getters
Encapsulation with Setters and Getters
this Keyword
Understanding the this Keyword
Using this to Differentiate Instance and Local Variables
Static Variables and Methods
Static Variables
Static Methods
Accessing Static Members
Basics of Inheritance
Extending Classes
Superclass and Subclass
Types of Inheritance
Single Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Method Overriding
Overriding Methods in Subclasses
Use of @Override Annotation
super Keyword
Using super to Access Superclass Members
Invoking Superclass Methods
final Keyword
Final Variables
Final Methods
Final Classes
Abstract Class
Abstract Class Overview
Abstract Methods
Creating Abstract Classes
Java Interface
Introduction to Interfaces
Implementing Interfaces
Multiple Interface Implementation
Java Packages
Organizing Code with Packages
Creating and Using Packages
Access Modifiers
Public, Private, Protected, Default Access Modifiers
Access Modifier Scope
Wrapper Classes
Primitive Data Types vs Wrapper Classes
Autoboxing and Unboxing
Data Conversion Functions
Converting Data Types
Casting - Up Casting and Down casting
Reading Input from Keyboard
Using Scanner Class for Input
Exception Handling
Introduction to Exception Handling
Try, Catch, Finally Blocks
Types of Exceptions
Java Collections
Overview of Java Collections Framework
Lists, Sets, Maps
Collections Methods
Module-4: Selenium WebDriver (Latest Version)
Introduction to WebDriver and Architecture
Overview of Selenium WebDriver
Architecture of Selenium WebDriver
Environment Setup & WebDriver Configuration
Setting up WebDriver in Eclipse
Configuring WebDriver for Different Browsers
How to Create Automated Test Case in WebDriver?
Setting Up a Basic Test Case Structure
Writing and Running Simple WebDriver Test Cases
Execute Test Case on Multiple Browsers
Cross-Browser Testing
Running Tests on Different Browsers
Understanding HTML Tags and Attributes
HTML Basics for Selenium Testers
Locating Elements Using HTML Tags and Attributes
Basic Locators
Name Locator
ID Locator
LinkText Locator
PartialLinkText Locator
Advanced Locators
CSS Locators
XPath Locators
XPath Axes
Relative Locators
.above, .below, .toLeftOf, .toRightOf, .near
How to Use SelectorsHub & Features of Selectors Hub
Overview of SelectorsHub
Features and Benefits
WebDriver Methods
Opening Page URL
Verifying Page Title
Getting Page Source
Getting Page URL
Conditional Methods
Visibility of WebElements
Enable/Disable Status of Web Elements
Implicit Waits
Explicit Waits
Fluent Waits
Page Load Time
Navigation Methods
Navigating Back & Forward
Refreshing Page
Browser Commands
close() and quit()
getWindowHandle() and getWindowHandles()
Working with Web Elements
Handling Input Boxes
Handling Checkboxes & Radio Buttons
Handling Links
Handling Alerts/Popups
Handling Alert Boxes
Handling Confirmation Boxes
Handling Prompt Boxes
Handling Iframes & Inner Iframes
Switching to Iframes
Working with Nested Iframes
Handling Drop Downs
Select type Drop down
Bootstrap Drop Downs
Multi Select Drop Down
Auto Suggest Drop Down
Working with Browser Windows
Switching Between Browser Windows
Handling Tabs and Windows
Handling Static & Dynamic Web Tables
Strategies for Handling Tables
Handling Static Tables
Handling Dynamic Tables
Pagination Tables
Handling Date Pickers
Strategies for Handling Date Pickers
Handling Mouse Actions
Using Actions Class
Right Click, Double Click, Mouse Over
Drag and Drop Actions
Handling Keyboard Actions and Shortcuts
Using Actions Class for Keyboard Actions
Working with JavascriptExecutor
Executing JavaScript Code in Selenium
Scrolling Web Page
Scrolling Up and Down the Page
Zoom In & Zoom Out, Maximize, Minimize Web Page
Managing Browser Window Size
Opening Links in New Tab
Handling New Tabs
Working with Tabs and Windows
Switching Between Tabs and Windows
Capturing Screenshots
Taking Screenshots in Selenium
Working with Cookies
Managing Cookies in Selenium
Headless Browser Testing
Overview of Headless Testing
Advantages and Disadvantages
SSL Certificate Handling
Handling SSL Certificates
Browser Settings with ChromeOptions
Customizing Chrome Browser Settings
Enable Extensions on Browser at Runtime
Managing Browser Extensions
Blocking Ads on WebPage at Runtime
Blocking Ads Using WebDriver
Run Tests in Incognito Mode
Running Tests in Incognito/Private Mode
How to Handle Upload Files (Single and Multiple)
Uploading Files in Selenium
Handling Broken Links
What is Broken link?
How to find Broken links in web page
Handling shadowDOM, SVG Elements
Strategies for Handling shadowDOM and SVG Elements
Selenium WebDriver Exceptions
Working with Excel Files Using Apache POI API
Reading and Writing Excel Files
Data-Driven Testing
Strategies for Data-Driven Testing
Implementing Data-Driven Tests in Selenium
Reading Properties File
Module-5: TestNG
Introduction to TestNG and Advantages
Overview of TestNG
Advantages of TestNG over JUnit
TestNG Features
Configuring TestNG in Project
Setting up TestNG in Eclipse or IntelliJ
Configuring TestNG Dependencies in the Project
Writing TestNG Test Cases
Basics of Writing TestNG Test Cases
Annotations in TestNG
Prioritizing Tests
Setting Test Case Priority
Running Tests in Priority Order
Understanding Testng.xml
Structure of TestNG XML File
Configuring Test Suites and Test Cases
TestNG Report
TestNG HTML Reports
Viewing and Analyzing TestNG Reports
TestNG Annotations
@BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite
@BeforeTest, @AfterTest
@BeforeClass, @AfterClass
@BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod
@Test Annotation
Types of Assertions (Hard and Soft Assertions)
Using Hard Assertions in TestNG
Using Soft Assertions in TestNG
Defining Dependencies Between Test Methods
Ensuring Test Methods Run in a Specific Order
Skipping and Ignoring Tests
Skipping Tests in TestNG
Ignoring Tests in TestNG
Grouping Tests
Grouping Tests in TestNG
Running Tests by Groups
Parameterizing Tests (XML File, DataProviders)
Parameterizing Tests Using TestNG XML File
Parameterizing Tests Using DataProviders
Understanding @DataProvider Annotation
Providing Test Data to Test Methods
Invocation Count
Repeating Test Execution with Invocation Count
Parallel Testing
Running Tests in Parallel
Configuring Parallel Execution in TestNG
TestNG Listeners
Overview of TestNG Listeners
Implementing Listeners in TestNG
Types of TestNG Listeners (e.g., ITestListener, IAnnotationTransformer)
Module-6: Extent Reports, Log4j2 & Page Object Model Pattern
Generating Extent Reports
Log4j2 for Logging
Page Object Model (POM) Pattern
Creating Page Object Classes without Page Factory
Creating Page Object Classes using Page Factory
@FindBy annotation
Module-7: Selenium Grid
Introduction to Selenium Grid
Setting Up Grid Environment (Stand Alone, Hub with Nodes)
Running Selenium Tests on Grid
Module-8: Docker
What is Docker
What is Docker Image
What is Docker Container
How to create account on Docker Hub
Download Images from Docker Hub
Docker UI Application
Selenium Grid Configuration on Docker Hub
Run your test cases on Dockerized Selenium Grid
Setup Infrastructure using Docker Compose yml
Scale up the browsers at the run time
Shut down the Docker Infrastructure
Module-9: Introduction to Automation Frameworks
Introduction to Automation Frameworks
Types of Frameworks
Phases in Designing Framework
Choosing Test Cases for Automation
Module-10: Hybrid Framework with POM (Page Object Model) – Project
Creating Maven Project and update pom.xml with dependencies
Creating Folder Structure
Creating Page Objects and Object Repository
Creating Utility files
Generating Extent Reports
Generating Logs using Log4j2
Setting Up Configuration Files
Creating Automation Test Cases
Creating Data-Driven Test Cases
Creating Database Test Cases
Executing Test Scripts using TestNG XML File
Emailing Test Reports
Executing Test Scripts through Command Line
Executing Test Scripts using Batch File
Executing Test Scripts on Selenium Grid
Executing Script on Docker Container
Module-11: Cucumber BDD Framework
Introduction to BDD and Cucumber
Gherkin Language Keywords
Feature Files
Step Definitions
TestRunner Class
Data Tables and Scenario Outline
Tags, Background
Cucumber Hooks
Cucumber Reports
Cucumber Extent Reports
Module-12: CI & CD Concepts( Git, Github & Jenkins)
Version Control System Overview
Git and GitHub
Git Commands
Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)
Jenkins Overview
Maven Integration with Jenkins
Running Selenium Tests through Jenkins
Module-13: How to use ChatGPT in Automation
What is AI, ChatGPT & Google Gemini
What is Prompting?
How to Create prompts?
Frequently used Prompts in Software Testing
How to use use ChatGPT in Automation
Module-14: Resume Preparation and Guidance
Guidance in Resume Preparation