What you'll learn:
- Complete knowledge of JavaScript programming
- Prepare for Web Developer interviews with free JavaScript Interview Q&A booklet
- Learn how to write code in JavaScript with free JavaScript reasoning problems & solutions booklet
- Overview of JavaScript, Advantages of JS, Difference between Java and JavaScript
- Outputting Text, Display Properties, History and Location Objects
- Statements, Keywords, Variables, Data Types, Comments
- Variable Hosting, Casting, Operators, Built-in Constants, Objects
- Strings and Numbers
- Dates and Dialog Boxes
- Comparison Operators, Built-in Functions, Looping
- Arrays and Types of Arrays, Array manipulation
- Event Handlers
- Incorporating JavaScript into HTML Pages
- Shallow Cloning, Iterate to get Keys, Object Properties
- Attributes, Hiding Scripts, Command Blocks, HTML Layout
- Mathematical & Bitwise Operators, Constructors, Declarations
- Function and Function Scoping
- Recursive Function, Functional JavaScript, Prototypes and Objects, Classes in JS
- Getters and Setters, Namespacing, Context this, Events, Inheritance
- Method Chaining, Callbacks, Intervals & Timeouts, Regular Expressions
- Cookies, Web Storage, Data Attributes, JSON, Timestamps
- AJAX, Enumerations, Map, Unary Operators
- Generators, Iteration, Promises, Error Handling with Promises
- Sets, Modals, Prompts, execCommand, contenteditable, History, Navigator Object, BOM
- Event Loop, Strict Mode, Custom Elements, Data Manipulation, Template Literals
- Fetch, Scope, Modules
- Screen, Variable Coercion, Destructuring Assignment, Web Sockets, Arrow Function
- Creational Design Patterns, Detecting Browser & Symbols, Transpiling, ASI
- Localization, IndexedDB, Proxy, Weak Set, Weak Map
- Escape Sequences, Server-sent Events, Async Functions, Iterators
- Tail Call Optimization, File API, Blobs, FileReaders, Web Cryptography API
- Security Issues, Error Handling, Debugging, Memory Efficiency, Reserved Keywords
A warm welcome to the JavaScript course by Uplatz.
JavaScript is a widely used high-level programming language primarily used for creating dynamic and interactive websites. It is a versatile language that allows developers to add functionality to web pages, handle user interactions, and manipulate content on the client-side (in the user's web browser). Additionally, with the introduction of Node.js, JavaScript can also be used on the server-side for building scalable web applications.
Key features of JavaScript include:
Client-Side Scripting: JavaScript is mainly known for its ability to run in web browsers, enabling developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages. It can modify the HTML and CSS of a page on-the-fly, allowing for real-time updates and a more engaging user experience.
Event Handling: JavaScript enables developers to respond to various events such as button clicks, mouse movements, keyboard input, and form submissions. These event handlers make web pages more interactive and responsive.
DOM Manipulation: The Document Object Model (DOM) is a representation of the web page's structure, and JavaScript provides powerful methods to interact with it. Developers can access, modify, and create HTML elements and CSS styles dynamically using JavaScript.
Asynchronous Programming: JavaScript supports asynchronous programming using techniques like callbacks, Promises, and async/await, allowing developers to handle time-consuming tasks without blocking the main execution thread.
Cross-platform Compatibility: JavaScript is supported by all major web browsers, making it a platform-independent language. This means that JavaScript code written for a web page will run on various browsers across different operating systems.
Libraries and Frameworks: There are numerous libraries and frameworks built on top of JavaScript, such as React, Angular, and Vue.js, which provide additional tools and abstractions for building complex web applications.
Server-Side Development: With Node.js, JavaScript can be used on the server-side, allowing developers to build server applications using the same language and ecosystem as the client-side.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): JavaScript uses JSON for data interchange, making it easy to communicate and exchange data between the client and server.
JavaScript is an essential component of web development, and its versatility, ease of use, and wide adoption make it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced developers. It continues to evolve with new features and specifications, making it a powerful language for building modern web applications.
Uplatz provides this comprehensive JavaScript course with end-to-end demonstration of concepts starting from the most fundamental to the most advanced features of JavaScript. This course also includes the a full session (with free downloadable booklet) on the most important JavaScript interview questions and answers. Additionally, this JavaScript training provides you a comprehensive session on logical reasoning problems & solutions in JavaScript, again with a freely downloadable booklet of the session.
This JavaScript training will empower you with the skills to design client-side, platform-independent solutions that greatly increase the value of your Web site by providing interactivity and interest. You will learn how to use JavaScript to communicate with users, modify the Document Object Model (DOM), control program flow, validate forms, animate images, create cookies, change HTML on the fly, and communicate with databases.
By the end of this JavaScript course, you will be able to understand the core concepts and programming constructs on JavaScript and be able to use JavaScript to build complex web applications.
JavaScript Course Objectives
Some of the main objectives of this course include helping you understand:
What JavaScript is and where it is used
Basic programming concepts like variables, data types and conditional statements
What functions are and why they're useful
Build and use logical statements to make decisions within your code
Build JavaScript programs leveraging functions, loops and iterative programming constructs
Make your web pages comes to life with Interactive Content
Handle data and updating page content without page refreshes using JSON and AJAX
Incorporating JavaScript into your HTMLpages
How to troubleshoot programming problems
The syntax of the JavaScript programming language
Implement and maintain hypertext-based Web sites using authoring and scripting languages
Create Web content
Use Web management tools and digital media tools
Apply human-factor principles to design
Get a strong foundation in JavaScript to become ready for Full Stack Web Development using frameworks like Angular and Node.js
Proceed on your journey for MEAN/MERNweb developer career tracks
JavaScript Course Syllabus
Introduction to JavaScript
Introduction to Scripting
JavaScript Characteristics
JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts
JavaScript Flavors and Versions
Technologies Based on JavaScript
Server-Side vs. Client-Side Applications
Annotating Your Code with Comments
Expanding the Role of JavaScript
Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript
Using JavaScript to Communicate with the User
Using Data More Than Once: Variables
JavaScript Operators
JavaScript Expressions
JavaScript Alerts and Prompts
Inline Scripting, Simple User Events and Basic Event Handlers
JavaScript Keywords and Reserved Words
Functions, Methods and Events in JavaScript
Introduction to Functions
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
Methods as Functions
Types of Functions
User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers
Debugging and Troubleshooting JavaScript
What Is Debugging?
Tools for Debugging Code
Testing Code in Various Browsers
Debugging Logic Errors
JavaScript and Mobile Devices
Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript
Controlling Decisional Program Flow
The if...else Statement
The while Statement
The do...while Statement
The for Statement
The break Statement
The continue Statement
The switch Statement
The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
The window Object
The document Object
The image Object
The history Object
The location Object
The navigator Object
The Virtual DOM
JavaScript Language Objects
Introduction to JavaScript Language Objects
The String Object
Evaluating Strings
JavaScript Regular Expressions
The Array Object
The for Each Method
The Map Method
The Date Object
Setting and Extracting Time Information
The Math Object
Custom JavaScript Objects
Creating Custom Objects
Creating a JavaScript Object: The Constructor
Creating an Instance of a Custom Object
Creating Object Methods
Creating Functions for Your Objects
Concept of Classes
Iterators and Generators
Call, apply and bind
Changing HTML on the Fly
Changing HTML on the Fly
Using the getElementById Method
Using the getElementsByName Method
Using the getElementsByTagName Method
Using the getElementsByClassName Method
Modifying Attributes within the DOM
Appending Text to the DOM
Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript
Interactive Forms
Overview of Form Elements
Referring to Form Elements
The form Object
The input Elements and text Objects
The textarea object
The select Object
Form Validation
Common form Security Errors
JavaScript Security
Introduction to JavaScript Security Issues
Browser vs. Operating System
Browser-Specific Security Issues
Browser Compatibility and Client-Side Detection
Script Blocking
Differences in document.write Among Browsers
Malicious and Accidental Coding
Frame-to-Frame URL Changing
Signed Scripts
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cookies and Security in JavaScript
Ethics in Collecting, Storing, Using and Protecting User Data
Creating Secure JavaScript Code
JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Introduction to JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Choosing a Code Library
External and Pre-made Scripts
Loading Your First Library
Using JavaScript Library Plug-ins
Using Frameworks
Best Practices with JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
Copyright Issues and JavaScript
JavaScript and AJAX
Introduction to AJAX
Handling Data and Content Types
Interactions Among JavaScript, Data and HTML
Using AJAX Scripts
AJAX and Servers
AJAX and Databases
Usability Issues with AJAX
Combining AJAX with Libraries
Introduction to Web APIs
Web Application Programming Interface (API)
The Web Storage API
The Geolocation API
The Canvas API