What you'll learn:
- Google Maps API
- Google Maps SDK for Android
- Connect the Project with Google Cloud Platform
- Generate Maps SDK API Keys
- Add Custom Map Style
- Change Map Type
- Add Map Padding
- Work with Controls and Gestures
- Change Map Camera Position
- Animate Camera Movement
- Zoom in/out on the Map
- Rotate the Map
- Tilt the Map
- Show Buildings in 3D
- Setting Boundaries on the Map
- Restrict Camera Viewport
- Handle Map Events
- Draw Markers
- Draw Polylines
- Draw Polygons
- Draw Circles
- Shape Customization
- Ground Overlay
- Maps SDK Utility Library
- GEOJson
- Draw Heatmaps
- Add Marker Clusters
- Calculate the Distance on the Map
- Service
- Foreground Service
- Location Permissions
- Background Permissions
- Run-time permissions
- Easy Permissions Library
- My Location Layer on Google Maps
- Locate your Device with One Click
- Get Users Last Known Location
- Create Notification
- Push Notification Updates
- Navigation Component
- Data Binding
- Dependency Injection
- Dagger-Hilt
- Create Distance Tracker Application
Hello there and welcome to my course, In this course I'm going to teach you how to implement Google Maps SDK for Android using the power of Kotlin programming language.
We are going to start this course by introducing with Google Maps SDK, you will first learn how to connect your Android Studio project with Google Cloud Platform. After that we will go through the process of generating Debug and Release API Keys in order to enable Google Maps SDK in our project.
Then I'm going to show you how to enable/disable certain Map controls like compass, zoom in/out controls, my location button and more. Also how to enable/disable map gestures like scrolling zooming, tilting, rotating and so on.
After that we will go through to process of choosing and applying different Map Types and Styles. You will learn how to apply dark and light map styles to your app.
You will learn how to animate Maps camera movement, how to Animate zoom levels, how to handle single click and long click events, how to place markers and drag them on the map. Then how to customize markers, and info windows as well.
Also you'll learn how to add different shapes to your Google Map like Polyline, Polygons, Circles, Overlays and basically everything you'll even need!
So Only after we get fully introduced with most of Google Maps features, we are going to start and build a real Android application. Our app will be called Distance Tracker, and as the name suggests, we will create an app which will be able to track our users location and track the distance which user travels. Our application will use Foreground Service and it will track users location even from a background when we kill our app. Bottom line, you will be able to track how many kilometers have you traveled and how much time it took.
In this course you will not learn just how to use Google Maps SDK, but also how to handle Run-time permissions, and the best practice of requesting those permissions sequentially as the newest Android API requires.
Also our application will use Foreground service with a non-removable Notification which will always stay on the top. Unless we stop and kill our foreground service. Now this is not the course where you will just learn the theory, this is the course where you are going to combine theory with practice and create a real android application to put all your knowledge which you gathered throughout this course together.
So bottom line, the level of knowledge you will get from this course, depends on how much effort you put into watching and practicing with this course.
So what are you waiting for, let's get started Developers!