What you'll learn:
- Get more traffic by ranking your pages higher
- Rank images in image search and get traffic from Google images
- Have higher conversion from your social media posts by using the right sized images
- Comprehensive focus on image SEO
- Rank every one of your pages higher by correctly doing image SEO on every image on your pages
In this course you will learn 3 new ways to get traffic to your website with image SEO:
1) You will be able to rank every one of the pages on your website a little higher by doing correct SEOtagging of your images.
2)You will be able to rank in image search and get traffic from Google image search.
3)You will understand how image size inside your web pages effects the image rendering, and you will be able to make ideal social media posts that render perfectly no matter which social network you are posting on, and by rendering perfectly, you'll have a nicer post which gets more engagement and more traffic to your website.
When you hear people talk about SEO, they rarely mention image SEO. This is great because it isn't as crowded as some of the other SEOfields and it is less competitive, which is good for us.
The image SEOcourse comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students.
I hope you join the course. Sign up today and let's get started.