What you'll learn:
- Create your first repository
- Clone it to your computer and add files
- Push your changes to GitHub
- Learn how to see differences between old and new files
- Learn how to do all of this on the command line, as if you were deploying code on a live server!
Welcome to the 30 minute free Git and GitHub crash course!
Employers and developers everywhere are using Git. This is why you should learn it (and also because it's powerful and a really cool tool!)
Git is a powerful (and VERYpopular) versioning tool for web developers. But it's hard to get started because there's a lot to know and everyone assumes you already know the basics.
Looking for a short course on Git?
Looking for a short course on GitHub?
Then this is the course you're looking for!
This course is perfect for a web developers who's next step is to learn Git and GitHub.
The core of this course is less than 30 minutes, and you'll learn:
How to create a repository
How to copy it to your computer
How to add files to your repository
How to send the changes to GitHub
Plus you'll learn:
Git fundamentals, and
GitHub fundamentals
You'll also learn the terminology that developers use, like:cloning, staging, committing, pushing and diff. And you'll learn WHYGit is so popular and HOW it's powerful. And we'll be using GitHub which is the Git-service brand name.
Not sure if you should pay for an 8 hour course on Git?Take this course first to get your feet wet.
P.S. You'll learn how to do all this through your command line... because one day you'll be deploying code on a server and you'llneed to use the command line, it's the only way! This course will set you up for success!;)