What you'll learn:
- Immediate results with these professionally designed free beginner guitar lessons
- Develop guitar skills the right way for all styles of guitar playing
- Impress your friends and family with the ability to play over 30 guitar songs
- Get the best start possible to continue with your playing
- Know what guitar and pick is best for the beginner
- How to identify the parts of an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar
- How to tune your guitar
- How to read TAB
- All the techniques you need to know to get you started on the guitar
- See your guitar playing progress daily which makes learning exciting
- No boring exercises, learn the right way with songs
Welcome to the Free Beginners Guitar Lessons - Part 1.These are free beginners guitar lessons for any age.
With these free beginner guitar lessons you'll learn how to play guitar the right way, with guitar power chords, guitar scales, guitar chords, guitar songs. See progression daily which always makes learning exciting,with over 4 hours and more than 50 beginner guitar lessonswe guarantee you immediate results with this professionally designed step-by-stepcourse that's fun andeasy for all ages. You'll get everything you need to know as a beginner guitarist and discover how to play songs in minutes.
You willnever feel rushed, get stuck or find a new skill too hard. With over50 step-by-step guitar lessonsmoving through each level isa breeze.
You willbe playing your favourite guitar songs straight away. With this new teaching method, each beginner guitar lesson is based around learning with songs to build and master all the techniques, so practice never feels like a chore.
You can learn anywhere, anytime on all platforms with access 24/7 and talk to an expert whenever you need, just leave a comment and we will get back to you with a quick response.
Your guitar teacherMichael has been playing for 30 years andteaching one-on-one with studentsfor 20, andover that time has seen the struggles beginners can have when they play guitar,so hedeveloped a tried and testedstep-by-step course for absolutebeginners that will get the results you have always desired.
As An Added Bonusall the guitar lessons have multiple camera angles so you can see exactly what each handis doing with onscreen TABall withan easy to follow arrow with printablelesson materials so you can access them any time.
What you get in the course:
The first part youfocusonthe guitar fundamentals.Michael willstart by talking youthroughselecting the best beginnerguitar, guitarpicks, guitarstrap, guitartuner and the best choicesfor you. You willlearn the parts ofan acoustic and an electric guitar and how to set up your amplifier.
Michaelwillexplore yourcorrect posture, how to hold your pick and hand placement, correct guitar tuning techniquesand all the skills a student needs to know before they start playing guitar. These steps are very important when first starting out and often overlooked by teachers with less experience.
Now the fun part.We get straight into playing the guitar. Michael knows you need to get a feel for the guitar first, so youstartwith reading TAB and playing on 1 string with 1 finger and wedevelop thatskills with songs so you are playingstraight away,from this point wetake small steps learning new techniques and practisingthose skills with songs. Using this method you'll be amazed at how fast you progress with your playing on anacoustic or an electric guitar. Learning a technique and applyingthat tosongsis the bestway to learn how to play guitar.
Michael has seen beginner guitar lessons that beginwithchords and scales,this is simply wrong. Throughyears ofteachingbeginners he understandsit can be quite frustrating and takes a longtime before you can see any progress in your playing because itis just too hardto startwith these techniques.At essential guitar lessons we want you to get the right start.
If you learn guitar the right way our step-by-step learning method will fast trackyour guitar playing by months as a beginner and years as you progress through to the advanced courses we have built.This is the best place to start for all beginners no matter what style of guitarplaying you like.
"I've always loved teaching students how to play guitar and hope you enjoy this course as much as I did creating it."
Thanks Michael Warren - Creating Musicians Since 1997