What you'll learn:
- Writing Keycloak extensions
- Keycloak architecture
- Overriding Keycloak functionalities
- Adding new custom capabilities like Required Actions and Authentication flow executions
- Customizing keycloak themes
This course aims to provide software engineers with the necessary knowledge to get up to speed with writing Keycloak extensions. It is mostly practical and backed by several years of experience integrating Keycloak within complex systems. Many enterprises nowadays fell the need to adopt a centralized authentication/authorization solution like Keycloak, which has quickly become one of the de facto choices. Because extending Keycloak is most of the time necessary, especially if the choice of adopting Keycloak comes after your system has reached a certain level of maturity, this may create some uncertainty with regards to whether Keycloak is the right of the choice. Most of the time, it is the right choice, if the necessary ground is prepared. One of the best ways to prepare the ground for a Keycloak is to study Keycloak extension points and how to use them to fit within your specific context. The course targets software engineers from all walks of like. The only prerequisites are Java language skills and Keycloak background.
This course aggregates the lessons learned from real world Keycloak set up and customization, and provides you with information that is not necessarily presented in the official documentation. It fills the gap between the Keycloak documentation and the real world settings. The course adopts a learning by doing scheme where most of the courses present a bit of theory and a live coding example. It is, as of now, the only course that deals with how to effectively extend Keycloak.