What you'll learn:
- Fully implement and configure IOS security features
- Numbered and Named Access-Lists in Detail
- Standard and Extended Access-List in Detail
- Reflexive Access-Lists with Example
- Policy-Based Routing
- Access-List Features (Logging, Packet Drops, ...)
- Authentication, Authorization & Accounting (AAA)
- Privilege Levels
- Class-maps in Detail
- TCP Intercept in Detail
- Context-Based Access Control (CBAC)
- Router IP Traffic Export (RITE)
- Zone-Based Firewall in Detail
- And more!
This course is all about IOS security and all features that you can find to harden your router and switch and use your router as a firewall so that you don't have to invest your precious dollars on a firewall device!
I have explained all commands in detail so that you can easily get a grab on that feaure. If you cannot find a feature, this means either it is obsolete and a better feature replaces that or I have forgotten to include it. In the latter case, I will be more than happy if you let me know what you want and I will add it to the curriculum.
I have used GNS3 for the simulation. However, you can execute all commands on a real gear without any change.