What you'll learn:
- Curriculum required for Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam
- Scheduling, Logging / Monitoring in Kubernetes cluster
- Application lifecycle management and cluster maintenance
- Security, Storage and Networking
- Installation, Configuration and Validation
- Cluster core concepts and troubleshooting
Major domains of Kubernetes Administration for CKA exam
Application Lifecycle Management
Cluster Maintenance
Core Concepts
Installation, Configuration & Validation
Installation, Configuration & Validation
Design a Kubernetes cluster
Install Kubernetes masters and nodes
Configure secure cluster communications
Configure a Highly-Available Kubernetes cluster
Know where to get the Kubernetes release binaries
Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster
Choose a network solution
Choose your Kubernetes infrastructure configuration
Run end-to-end tests on your cluster
Analyze end-to-end test results
Run Node end-to-end tests
Install and use kubeadm to install, configure, and manage Kubernetes clusters
Core Concepts
Understand the Kubernetes API primitives
Understand the Kubernetes cluster architecture
Understand Services and other network primitives
Application Lifecycle Management
Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates and rollbacks
Know various ways to configure applications
Know how to scale applications
Understand the primitives necessary to create a self-healing application
Cluster Maintenance
Understand the Kubernetes cluster upgrade process
Facilitate operating system upgrades
Implement backup and restore methodologies
Understand the networking configuration on the cluster nodes
Understand Pod networking concepts
Understand service networking
Deploy and configure the network load balancer
Know how to use Ingress rules
Know how to configure and use the cluster DNS
Understand CNI
Know how to configure authentication and authorization
Understand Kubernetes security primitives
Know to configure network policies
Create and manage TLS certificates for cluster components
Work with images securely
Define security contexts
Secure persistent key-value store
Understand persistent volumes and know how to create them
Understand access modes for volumes
Understand persistent volume claims primitive
Understand Kubernetes storage objects
Know how to configure applications with persistent storage
Use label selectors to schedule Pods
Understand the role of DaemonSets
Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling
Understand how to run multiple schedulers and how to configure Pods to use them
Manually schedule a pod without a scheduler
Display scheduler events
Know how to configure the Kubernetes scheduler
Understand how to monitor all cluster components
Understand how to monitor applications
Manage cluster component logs
Manage application logs
Troubleshoot application failure
Troubleshoot control plane failure
Troubleshoot worker node failure
Troubleshoot networking