What you'll learn:
- CAN( Controller Area Network basics)
- Programming CAN nodes
- Programming ARM cortex m3
- Building CAN Network
- Overview about CAN bus analysis tools
CAN protocol overview: Introduction to the CAN protocol, Overview of Reasons for the development of CAN Comparison of CAN with other serial communication protocols, ISO-OSI layers of CAN, CAN vehicle network Architecture, Features of CAN protocol, Frame formats of CAN
CAN physical layer: CAN nodes, CAN Bus voltage levels and node interfacing techniques, CAN bit timings and baud rate settings
CAN data link layer: CAN Bus arbitration, CAN Bus Fault Confinement
Hands-on Exercises on Real World System: Introduction to Cortex-M3, Online compiler Hands-On session for cortex-M3, Building CAN Transmitter node
Building a CAN Receiver node, Analysis of CAN data on desktop