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Advanced Scala and Functional Programming

via Udemy


For Scala developers: become a top level Scala programmer so you can rock Spark, Akka, Cats or any Scala tool!

What you'll learn:
  • Master the Scala language at the level of the best developers
  • Master functional programming
  • Design and implement complex systems, frameworks and APIs
  • Confidently customize and enhance existing Scala tools
  • Think and approach code with maturity and a deep understanding of implications

Updated for Scala 3! This course is now fully compatible with both Scala 2 and Scala 3.

In this course, wewill learn the tricks used by the top 1% of Scala developers.You'll write 2000+lines of Scala codeyourself, with guidance,and you will become a rockstar.

This course is for Scala programmers who need to designcomplex, scalable systems, or need tocustomize existing tools (e.g. Spark)or writetheir own.

Whymastering Scala:

  • it's thehottest language based on theJava Virtual Machine- the number of Scala jobs has exploded, butdemand iseven higher

  • Scala offerssignificantly higher pay(> 20%) than same-levelJava positions - the top Scala devs are paid 2x, 10x, even more!

  • it'sincredibly fun- once tasted Scala, you'll never want to get back

  • you will not have any trouble usingsome of the latest technologies written in Scala- Spark, Akkaand more

I like to get to the point and get things done.This course

  1. deconstructsadvancedScala conceptsinto the critical pieces you need

  2. selectsthe most important ideasin Scala and separates them into the critical and nice-to-have

  3. sequencesideas in a way that "clicks" and makes sense throughout the process of learning

  4. applieseverythingin live code

The end benefits are still much greater:

  • a completely new level of skillwith the Scala language

  • significant bump in salarywhen you switch to Scala-return on investment for this course>100x in the first year alone!

  • more enjoyable work- Scala is fun!

  • future-proof skills- you'll be able to work with some of the cutting edge technologies (Spark, Akka etc)

This course is forestablished programmerswith experience with Scalaandwith functional programming at the level of the Rock the JVM Scala beginners course. I already assume a solid understanding of general programming fundamentals.If you've never coded before, this course isnot for you.

The course is comprehensive, butyou'll always see me get straight to the point. So make sure you have a good level of focus and commitment to become a badass programmer.

Ibelieve both theoryandpractice are important. That's why you'll get lectures with code examples, real life Scala code demos and assignments, plus additional resources, instructions, exercises and solutions. At the end of the course, you'll have written thousands of lines of Scala.

I've seen that my students are most successful - and my best students work at Google-class companies and committing to Scala repositories -when they're guided, but not being told what to do. I have assignments waiting for you, where I offer my (opinionated)guidance but otherwisefreedom to experiment and improve upon your Scala code.

Definitely not least, my students are most successful when they have fun along the way!

So join me in this course and let's rock the JVM!

Taught by

Daniel Ciocîrlan


3.5 rating, based on 2 Class Central reviews

4.8 rating at Udemy based on 3499 ratings

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  • Anonymous
    Pretty bad course. There is not enough legitimate practice, and many of the practice problems typically do not provide enough detailed requirements to understand what you are being asked to implement/ how to approach an implementation.
  • Anonymous
    Really hands-on course. You never just sit and watch, the course is very active and you try and test code along the way, while the instructor explains how everything works behind the scenes. Very practical with lots of exercises. Pace is just right, never too slow to be boring or too fast to be frustrating.

    Even more than the Udemy course, I recommend the Rock the JVM website ( The guy has much more material and advanced courses than what's available on Udemy, and the instructor organized a student community for everyone who bought a course there.

    Highly recommended

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