What you'll learn:
- Full understanding of CBPR+ usage guideline and message structure and elements
- Pacs.008, Pacs.009, Pacs.004, Pacs.002 and Pain.001 and Pain.002 Message Structures
- Learn creating MX messages from MT messages- Assignments
- 100+ questions to get you ready for interviews
- Essential background knowledge of XML to understand message schemas
- Learn how to handle data truncation during MT-MX coexistence
- Message examples of end to end payment chain
**Part 2 of 3 courses**
Are you someone who is searching for a reliable resourceon ISO 20022 SWIFT MX messages?
Confused about where to begin learning? What to learn? From where to learn?
Then this course is your perfect match!!
You will get -
Full understanding of CBPR+ usage guideline and message structure and elements
Pacs.008, Pacs.009, Pacs.004, Pacs.002, Pain.001 and 002 message structures
Learn creating MX messages - Assignments + Resources
100+ questions to get you ready for interview
Essential background knowledge of XML to understand message schemas
Learn how to handle data truncation during MT-MX coexistence
Message examples of end to end payment chain
This course, the 'Advanced Guide - ISO 20022 SWIFT MX Messages', delves deeper into all the necessary concepts of SWIFT MX messages, starting from how the different working groups of SWIFT work and the inter-relations of the usage guidelines, how XML is used to build the ISO 20022 messages schema, how the important messages are structured -discussing element by element, and the logic behind each element'spresence. It also provides real life message examples to understand the application of all that is learnt.
Who is this course for?
Business Analysts and Consultants of Payments Domain
Aspirants of Payments Domain
What this course covers?
What are ISO 20022 message catalogue, SWIFT MX message catalogue and SWIFT payment groups usage guidelines
ISO 20022 Message Registration Process
SWIFT Payment Groups
Handling of Coexistence of MT and MX messages and Other Related Migrations of Infrastructures
Handling data integrity loss in MT-MX coexistence
XML in ISO 20022 messages
Basic Structure of XML and Syntax Rules
XML Schema and Instance
XML Data Types
XML Attributes and Complex Elements
Restrictions and Indicators
Understanding the ISO 20022 XML Message Schema
Codes used in MX Messages
MX Message Validation
Important Concepts Related to MX Messages
Agents and Parties
Settlement Methods
Multiplicity of Elements in Messages
Structure and Elements of PACS.008 Message
Building Blocks - Group Header and the Credit Transfer Transaction Information
Understanding the Credit Transfer Transaction Information Block
Understanding the Group Header Block
Structure and Elements of PACS.009 Message
PACS.009 Core, PACS.009 COV and PACS.009 ADV
Building Blocks - Group Header and Credit Transfer Transaction Information
Structure of PACS.004 and PACS.002 Messages, PAIN.001 and PAIN.002 Messages
Difference between Reject and Return
PACS.004 and PACS.002 Structure
PAIN.001 and PAIN.002 Structure
Understanding MX Messages with Examples
PAIN.001 Message Example
PAIN.002 Message Example
Serial payment - First PACS.008
Serial Payment - Second PACS.008, PACS.002 and Third PACS.008
Serial Payment - Fourth PACS.008
Practice Test and Assignments