In this free preview of the Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree program, you'll be introduced to the program, discover the services we provide, and learn about the incredible projects you'll build.
Students who enroll in our nanodgree will master driverless car technologies that are going to shape the future and impact the lives of people around the world. Through interactive projects in computer vision, robotic controls, localization, path planning, and more, you’ll prepare yourself for a key role in this incredible field. If your goal is to build the future, then your future begins here.
Why Take This Course?
Students who enroll in our nanodgree will master driverless car technologies that are going to shape the future and impact the lives of people around the world. Through interactive projects in computer vision, robotic controls, localization, path planning, and more, you’ll prepare yourself for a key role in this incredible field. If your goal is to build the future, then your future begins here.
Why Take This Course?