The Full Stack JavaScript Developer Nanodegree program will equip learners with everything a developer needs to build rich experiences delivered with the web using modern architecture and technology.
- Welcome to the Fullstack Javascript Nanodegree Program
- Backend Development with Node.js
- This course introduces the fundamental tools needed to build a basic API in a way that is both scalable, and maintainable. You will work with Node.js and its core modules, write TypeScript for developer error reduction, test with Jasmine to introduce unit testing in a Test-Driven Development environment, and use Express as a framework for building APIs.
- Creating an API with PostgreSQL and Express
- This course covers the primary skills required for API development. Students will build a RESTful JSON API with Node and Postgres. Along the way, you will cover essential topics like databases and querying, API architecture, database migrations, REST, CRUD, creating a testing environment, password hashing and route authorization via JWTs. By completing the exercises and course content, students will gain the knowledge to create a secure, well organized API from scratch and learn skills JavaScript developers use every day.
- Angular Fundamentals
- Deployment Process
- Being able to deploy your own application is a skill that is often overlooked by developers, thus making
it a rare and valuable skill to have! This course will teach the necessary knowledge to create your own
production environment and automate the deployment of code to it. By building an automated pipeline and scripts students will gain insights into the world of automated deployments that have been revolutionizing how fast companies are able to deliver features to their customers. - Congratulations!
- Congratulations on finishing your program!
Taught by
Andrew Wong, Rachel Manning, Guillaume Bibeau and Alyssa Hope