Explore advanced data visualization and storytelling techniques. Discover various types of data stories and how to use them effectively. Learn to utilize Tableau Storypoint to add interactivity and visual elements and enhance your analyses with animation and narration using both Tableau Pages and Flourish.
- Welcome to Advanced Data Storytelling
- In this welcome lesson, you will meet your instructor and learn about the pre-requisite skills of this course. You will also have an overview of the topics covered in this course.
- Eight Data Story Types
- You learn about sequential data stories, and how eight different story types can be used to find and tell interesting data stories.
- Creating stories in Tableau
- You will learn how to tell interactive stories by creating stories in Tableau. You will learn how to add a Hans Rosling bubble chart to Tableau and how to create a Tableau Storypoint Workbook.
- Animate a Data Story Midterm Project
- In this lesson, you will apply the skills you have acquired in this course to use the World Bank Indicators data file to create an interactive Tableau Story.
- Animating Visualizations
- You will use datasets for animating data and build out animations with Tableau pages and get introduced to Flourish.
- Animation and Narration
- You will learn how to add audio and narration to your data stories using Flourish, including setting up the files, charts, animation, and audio files to create interactive stories.
- Animate a Data Story Final Project
- In this lesson, students will create an animated data story and add an audio track to create a narrated Flourish story that they can add to their portfolio.
Taught by
Ben Jones